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Donny Caldwell


From the the tender age of 10 years old, Coach Caldwell developed a great love and passion for the game of basketball. Upon growing into adulthood, Coach Caldwell realized his calling was to do more with basketball than just being. lover of the game. This calling turned into a reality with the creation of Team Delaware AAU basketball program. Starting with just seven kids at the Greater Newark Boys & Girls Club, Team Delaware has grown to develop hundreds of players, starting from grades Pre-K to divisional college basketball players.


  • Director of Team Delaware AAU Basketball Program

  • 17 years of coaching experience with 8 years as Assistant Varsity Coach at:

    • Christiana High School

    • Newark High School

    • Pencader High School

    • Middletown High School


To make a team special, it has to be bigger than basketball. We’re more than a just a team — we’re a lifestyle. At Team Delaware, the fundamentals taught are applicable on and off the court. Team work, hard work & sportsmanship is what I lead with — scoring and winning will always comes second to that."